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We’re living in a museum – a world built on the best technology we had yesterday. What if we could rebuild society’s tech stack based on everything we learned since we left our caves, right up until the internet revolution?

The Big Idea
The first generation of the web was won by a handful of corporations that managed to aggregate and control the data we all generate every day. Google and Facebook brought us some incredible tools and helped connect us all together but they came with a trade-off: compromised security, sacrificed privacy, and lost control over our identity.

The corporations proved that it was possible to build global projects that transcend borders and create nation-level wealth in under 20 years.

In 2018, we’re entering the next wave where technology platforms shift from centralised to fully distributed. This brings the potential to move away from proprietary corporate platforms to free and open-source protocols which bring freedom and sovereignty to individual citizens of the world.

We’re Early. Very Early.
Every so often, we go through cultural and economic revolutions that rewire our whole society. We create technology to change the world around us and in turn, we change the way we interact with each other. We invented agriculture, science, steam power, electricity, the microchip, the internet, and now blockchains.

The cadence of these shifts is accelerating exponentially.

It’s still early. But it’s coming. It’s only 10 years since Bitcoin first emerged. It’s taken all that time to trickle down from the niche corners of the crypto community and now that it’s percolating into the mainstream.

The future is here and it’s distributed.

This is what the internet should have been, all along.